I try to make each of my senior pictures a bit different than the ones I've done before. We went to the same park, but this time we decided to go into the woods to see what we could discover. Jessica was such a sport. We even got to see a raccoon while we were out there. I laughed when we saw that and thought, only in Georgia would you see a raccoon while doing a senior photo shoot. :)
Some of these are done in a graveyard. She requested we do part of the photo shoot there and to my surprise it was gorgeous. I had never done pictures in a graveyard before so I was pretty stoked.
It was great getting to know you Jessica :)
This last picture in between the two trees was a very special pose for Jessica and her mother. Jessica brought a wallet sized picture to me when we arrived at the graveyard. It was a picture of one of her mother's senior pictures. They wanted me to duplicate the same pose so they could put them together in a frame. To my surprise they said that Joe
DeGrandis had taken the picture years before! Joe just happens to be my old boss, mentor, and friend! He taught me a lot about photography and really got me started with everything. So, needless to say I thought that was pretty cool and special:)
*I tried to match the color up to the other picture.